
Showing posts from July, 2018

July, 2018 Meeting.

We meet people and they become chapters in our stories. All of us have a unique story. The journey of life is pretty long and friends make it memorable. Everyone has their own magical moments. It  may be a simple thing, which makes their day brighter. No matter what the magical moment is, if it makes us feel better, then it is our special thing. Our SBCC group meeting is one that makes all of us a pack of enthusiastic kids. The rare  friendship we share has become an inevitable part of our life. This month too we had a memorable time. The topic of the day was "Gratitude". We discussed and spoke about the importance of gratitude in day to day life. Then we had meditation, followed by a talk on 'what is meditation' by Mrs. Shyamala Rao.  None of our meetings are complete without the birthday celebration of our members. We missed many of our members this month.