
Showing posts from June, 2018

June 2018, Meeting.

We at SBCC women's  group wait anxiously with a child like excitement for the fourth Saturday of every month.  Friends matter, especially when we share a unique bond. Getting together with friends is something that most of us look forward to. Through the months and years our group has grown with all sorts of personalities, making every get-together one of its kind,  fun, interesting, and memorable. Though we do meet  often, our get-togethers are always quite different and entertaining. All celebrate International yoga day. We started with  guided meditation and then celebrated yoga day with some pranayama and special madras that helps each individual in their day to day life.  We celebrate birthdays and special occasions, with great enthusiasm. This month too we had birthday celebrations.  This group has always been the best thing that happened to us and no matter how much time we spend together every time has its special place. Memories are powerful family possessions t