
Meeting, May 2019

"Together is a wonderful place to be in." A get together  is even more wonderful with a lot of happy and cherished moments. Every meeting of Sai Balaji Cancer Clinic women's group is a   get together of friends.  This meeting too was fun, informative and very interactive. Dr. Kalarani had a unique idea. It is believed that one should love oneself first. Her suggestion today was that each member present say something positive about oneself. It was quite interesting to hear each person's  views. Some members are 'live wires' of some groups. We too have some......they help  share some lighter moments with lot of laughter.  Refreshments are always part of out meetings. After refreshments came the question, "What is God to you?" Kalarani Ma'am  wanted us to answer  that question. This time we were all given homework. We were asked to write  three positive things about ourselves, daily in the mornings and before going to bed three positives thin

SBCC Anniversary celebration, May 11, 2019

Once again it was a memorable day for us at Sai Balaji Cancer Clinic and the Women's group. It was double celebrations and joy too with Doctor celebrating 20th   Anniversary of his clinic and the Women's group's Anniversary too. Celebration  happen for a variety of formal or informal reasons.  There is something deep inside humanity that loves to celebrate the best things in life. And SBCC is the best thing that happened to all of us.  Everyone has a unique and special affinity towards Sai Balaji Cancer Clinic, Dr. Sivakumar and Dr. Kalarani Sivakumar. It's a bond grown over the years with a special love and respect. Each person coming to SBCC has a unique story and the treatment and counseling takes each one to a closer bond with them.  As Dr. Sivakumar said,  no group or Clinic celebrates its Anniversaries with performances of its patients, survivors, children or grandchildren of these patients and survivors.  That's why I always reiterate that it's a group